Envirolock Installation & Maintenance FAQs

Practicality That Reflects Our “In-The-Trench” Expertise...

Both! We can manufacture the system in a controlled environment and then ship it to site or manufacture it in-situ.

Absolutely! Envirolock can be installed on existing pipelines with NO FLOW STOPPAGES. Your organization can enjoy the added protections of Envirolock without any disruptions to your customers. Better still, Envirolock will stop future delivery disruptions by preventing pipeline strike damage and external corrosion as well as by containing ruptures due to internal corrosions or defects.

Envirolock can be installed in most weather conditions, even in the rain or in extreme cold as low as -40 degrees. 

Nothing! The system is maintenance-free and extremely durable, lasting upwards of 70 years. In fact, you can expect reductions in your regular maintenance and replacement budget because Envirolock is expected to double the useful life of the pipeline it protects.

Yes - it is 100% compatible with standard pipeline monitoring and maintenance techniques, including cathodic protection. In addition, you can elect to include your own preferred leak detection system and Envirolock will enhance it's performance by protecting the equipment from external threats and speeding leak identification by concentrating contaminant flows around your system.

If a leak occurs, the pipeline can CONTINUE OPERATING because Envirolock's containment will act to repressurize the system. For municipal water systems, leaks can be held indefinitely - no intervention from the operator is needed. For other pipeline systems, we recommend scheduling maintenance at the next convenient opportunity to repair the impacted segment; however, repairs on an emergency basis will not be necessary.

Once installed, Envirolock is completely non-toxic and can be handled as regular, non-hazardous waste. We are considering possibilities for system reuse and recycling - these options may become available in the future. Moreover, Envirolock enhances your existing environmental performance by extending the useful life of pipelines, preventing pollution, and conserving resources. Significant public safety benefits improve social sustainability as well.

Our Envirolock solutions will vary in cost depending on the exact design specifications needed. However, our prices are cost-competitive and will yield operational savings as well as ESG reputational benefits that our competitors cannot offer.

Envirolock installation and maintenance FAQs

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